Musings on reflection.

Work-work balance

Every day, we should be asking ourselves how we’re delivering value — to ourselves and to others.

Spending our energy on the wrong project, in the wrong place, with the wrong people won’t kill us, but it’s certainly not doing any favours for our most limited resource — time.

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UX London 2013


From 10th to 12th of April the best UX’ers in the world gathered for inspiring talks and intensive workshops at the Trinity Laban in London. The event had a great atmosphere and was more intimate than I expected. Clearleft did an awesome job organising the event, sourcing some of London’s best food trucks and really good (unlimited) coffee.

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How U(X) found me

Many User Experience professionals are T‑shaped individuals who bring diverse backgrounds and a wealth of experience to the profession. Since there isn’t an obvious or natural path into the UX profession, I’m always curious and grateful to hear others' stories. This is my story.

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