I’m Joining Medium

Since earning my Bachelor of Computer Science in 2008, I have taken every opportunity to travel (52 countries so far), work and live abroad. Whilst traveling, I learned the importance of diversity in perspective, and how healthy communities thrive in systems where value can be easily created and exchanged.

More recently, I spent a few wild years at Uber and Amazon sharpening my what if’s and WTF’s. While this experience fueled the optimistic skeptic inside of me, the rest of me felt devoid of purpose. What I made, clashed with what I valued and this realization has brought me to Medium.

Some of my most rewarding life transformations have happened because I was challenged by a story or an idea that activated my heart and mind. Because of this, I’m deeply motivated to create systems where stories and ideas have the power to inclusively exchange, thoughtfully collide, intelligently build, and meaningfully reinvent people for the better.

I couldn’t ask for a more purposeful place to belong, than with Medium, right now.

Headshot of Simon Pan

Compliments, comments and critique are all welcome.
Tweet me, @5imonPan